
"Mastering Chaos: A Guide to Seamless Release Management with Automated Release Notes"

In a distributed application environment there are often more than 20-30 different components that work together in the application flow. It's always a struggle to manage the releases and get a view of which components are part of the release and what changes are being deployed as part of the release. In this article I would describe a practical approach towards release versioning and generating the release notes. Existing Pain Points Here are some of the pain points with managing releases in a distributed application environment  How do we identify the components that are part of the release?  How do we identify the version of the components that need to be deployed?  How do we know what changes are part of the release?  How do we generate the release notes automatically? Approach Follow Github flow instead of Git flow Choosing the right branching strategy is extremely important for release management. In the traditional  git flow  model development teams create several git branch